With An Assist From Team Cyberspeed!
Massive thunderstorms hammered the fleet mid-leg, some continued through and some beached and then continued when conditions improved. Two teams, Tavernier Creek Marina and the Ducth team, Dutch Rockerz, suffered broken masts during capsizes.
Tavernier Creek was able to get the boat righted, collect the pieces of their carbon mast and jury rig a smal sail with their spin pole and part of the main. Using this rig they were able to sail six miles to the finish area where very strong Gulf Stream currents and bad wind direction prevented them from beaching. Then the heroics continued with Team Cyberspeed, who had recently finished, re-launching their giant Supercat 20 and performing a rescue tow to get Tavernier Creek to shore.
More Pictures at http://www.thebeachcats.com/pictures?g2_itemId=121519
Lots of other teams had stories yet to be told, be sure and share them!